The 9th Soul

On PlayStation 3, Barack Obama ‘Burnout’ Billboard Sells Something Else

Posted in entertainment, internet news, politics by Fated Blue on October 17, 2008

Posted by Stephen Totilo on 10/15/08 at 12:30 pm.


I spent a half hour driving through the virtual city of “Burnout Paradise” this morning, trying to find the widely publicized Barack Obama campaign ad that amember of the Rooster Teeth website spotted nine days ago.

I failed to find Obama, because I was playing “Burnout Paradise” on my PlayStation 3.

The Democratic Presidential candidate is only confirmed to be advertising in the game via a deal with Microsoft-owned ad firm Massive, on the Xbox 360,according to GameSpot. Nothing like that seems to be in effect on Sony’s home console.

On the PS3, we’ve got ads for Burger King, Slingbox and Comp USA. Obama? He’s not there.

So what product is being advertised in the PS3 version of Paradise City on the billboard that’s running Obama on the 360? Take a look:

Xbox 360 shot (via Rooster Teeth)
PS3 shot (via my TV)
A closer look at that PS3 ad. We can be certain that that is NOT Barack Obama.


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