The 9th Soul

Roswell should have its own movie

Posted in entertainment, Random by Fated Blue on October 29, 2008


I believe Roswell should at least have a movie

I believe Roswell should at least have a movie


In reference to the tv show, I want Roswell to have its own movie. The reason for my sudden demand is because I’m pretty much addicted to the series right now as I watch the DVDs that are piled up around my house. Never caught the original run of this series due to the fact that I was barely addicted to TV back in 1999-2002. I was just a mere 9-year-old kid who only cares about games and toys, so cut me some slack!


Anyways…I just thought that a movie should be dedicated to the show. Something after the events of the last episode or something. Don’t really matter what…as long as its good. And mind you I found the ending a bit of a cliff hanger. Oh well, hoping that some big time Roswell fan reads my blog and thinks twice about the idea  🙂

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Brains Work Best At Age of 39

Posted in health, internet news, science by Fated Blue on October 28, 2008

Scientists at the University of California Los Angeles are reporting that while some people may think “life begins at 40,” all it seems to do is slow down. According to recent research, at age 39 our brain reaches its peak speed, and it’s all downhill after that.”The loss of a fatty skin that coats the nerve cells, called neurons, during middle age causes the slowdown, experts say. The coating acts as insulation, similar to the plastic covering on an electrical cable, and allows for fast bursts of signals around the body and brain. When the sheath deteriorates, signals passing along the neurons in the brain slow down. This means reaction times in the body are slower too.”

Fictional Town “Eureka” To Become Real?

Posted in internet news, Random, science by Fated Blue on October 28, 2008

The fictional town of Eureka (from the TV series by the same name) is going to potentially become a real life town as the University of Queensland, in Australia, plans to build a multibillion-dollar ‘brain city’ dedicated to science and research. The city, hoping to hold at least 10,000 people, is looking to attract 4,500 of the brightest scientists from around the world to live and work there. The city is planned to be built west of the city of Brisbane, in Queensland. While not funded by the Department of Defense (like the [city of the] TV series), the potential for such a community is very interesting and exciting.

The Greatest Scientific Hoaxes?

Posted in entertainment, internet news, Random, science by Fated Blue on October 28, 2008

The New Scientist has an amusing story about the seven greatest scientific hoaxes of all time. Of course, there have been serious cases of scientific fraud, such as the stem cell researchers recently found guilty of falsifying data, and the South Korean cloning fraud, but the hoaxes selected point more to human gullibility than malevolence and include the Piltdown Man (constructed from a medieval human cranium); a ten-foot “petrified man” dug up on a small farm in Cardiff; fossils ‘found’ in Wurzburg, Germany depicting comets, moons and suns, Alan Sokal’s paper loaded with nonsensical jargon that was accepted by the journal Social Text; the claim of the Upas tree on the island of Java so poisonous that it killed everything within a 15-mile radius; and Johann Heinrich Cohausen’s claim of an elixir produced by collecting the breath of young women in bottles that produced immortality. Our favorite: BBC’s broadcast in 1957 about the spaghetti tree in Switzerland that showed a family harvesting pasta that hung from the branches of the tree. After watching the program, hundreds of people phoned in asking how they could grow their own tree but, alas, the program turned out to be an April Fools’ Day joke.

News Roundup: Sunshine May Improve Male Fertility

Posted in health, health defects, science by Fated Blue on October 28, 2008

Male fertility may get a boost from sunshine
A smidgen of sunshine could be beneficial for men’s sperm. Australian researchers found that one-third of 794 men visiting an infertility clinic had a vitamin D deficiency. Since getting only 10–15 minutes of sunshine a day can boost vitamin D levels, 123 men tried to do just that—along with taking vitamins and living a healthier lifestyle in general. The payoff? A 75% drop in sperm fragmentation, a measure of damage. Overall, 31 men had partners who conceived after making the changes.

Warner Bros. to Make Ninja Scroll Pic

Posted in entertainment, Random by Fated Blue on October 28, 2008

 In Feburary of this year, we reported that Warner Bros. and actor Leonardo DiCaprio had  joined forces to make a live-action feature based on the anime classicAkira. Now Daily Variety brings word that the relationship will also yield a Ninja Scroll live-action movie.  Warner Bros. has acquired rights to the anime franchise and DiCaprio’s Appian Way  shingle will co-produce the adaptation with Japanese animation studio Mad House.

 The first Ninja Scroll animated movie, written and directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri, was  released in Japan in 1993. The story is set in feudal Japan, where a ninja-for-hire must  battle an old nemesis who is bent on overthrowing the Japanese government. His opponent is also the leader of a group of demons who possess superhuman powers. The property is licensed by Manga Ent. in North America.

Ninja Scroll will be penned by Alex Tse, who co-wrote Zack Snyder’s upcomingWatchmen and an adaptation of the Ray Bradbury novel The Illustrated Man, which Snyder will also direct for Warner Bros. Director Michael Man is reportedly directing Tse’s take on the Don Winslow novel The Winter of Frankie Machine, with Robert De Niro attached to star in the Paramount release.

LRPD: Despite Silence, Work On Anne Pressly Case Continues

Posted in entertainment by Fated Blue on October 28, 2008


Although the Little Rock Police Department has not updated the press and public about the investigation of Anne Presslys assault, that does not mean work has not gone on, according to a news release issued late Monday afternoon by the department.

Although the Little Rock Police Department has not updated the press and public about the investigation of Anne Pressly's assault, that does not mean work has not gone on, according to a news release issued late Monday afternoon by the department.

Although the Little Rock Police Department has not updated the press and public about the investigation of Anne Pressly’s assault, that does not mean work has not gone on, according to a news release issued late Monday afternoon by the department.

Pressly, an anchor with local ABC affiliate KATV-TV, Channel 7, died Saturday night, nearly a week after being found unconscious and beatenin her home early last Monday.

The LRPD said it has received assistance from multiple law enforcement departments – both state and national – and remains in contact with others, according to the release.

“I recognize that the lack of daily disclosures or additional information is frustrating to the media and to members of our community,” Stuart Thomas, LRPD chief of police, said in the news release. “However, the foremost objective here is for a successful investigation leading to an arrest and conviction in this matter and the Department will conduct any releases of information with this objective solely on point.”

Thomas then asked that all complaints be directed at him.