The 9th Soul

The Greatest Scientific Hoaxes?

Posted in entertainment, internet news, Random, science by Fated Blue on October 28, 2008

The New Scientist has an amusing story about the seven greatest scientific hoaxes of all time. Of course, there have been serious cases of scientific fraud, such as the stem cell researchers recently found guilty of falsifying data, and the South Korean cloning fraud, but the hoaxes selected point more to human gullibility than malevolence and include the Piltdown Man (constructed from a medieval human cranium); a ten-foot “petrified man” dug up on a small farm in Cardiff; fossils ‘found’ in Wurzburg, Germany depicting comets, moons and suns, Alan Sokal’s paper loaded with nonsensical jargon that was accepted by the journal Social Text; the claim of the Upas tree on the island of Java so poisonous that it killed everything within a 15-mile radius; and Johann Heinrich Cohausen’s claim of an elixir produced by collecting the breath of young women in bottles that produced immortality. Our favorite: BBC’s broadcast in 1957 about the spaghetti tree in Switzerland that showed a family harvesting pasta that hung from the branches of the tree. After watching the program, hundreds of people phoned in asking how they could grow their own tree but, alas, the program turned out to be an April Fools’ Day joke.

Appropriate Tech, 300mpg Car Top 2008 Innovators

Posted in entertainment, science, technology by Fated Blue on October 17, 2008

“While some giggles were floating around about the irony of a Microsoft product (Photosynth) finding itself on the same top 10 products list as a toilet, the true stars of last night’s annual Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Awards were innovations of far more consequence. MIT professor Amy B. Smith won the marquis Leadership Award for her work on building simple, low-cost technology to help developing countries. Joining Smith from the appropriate technology field were a group of CalTech students who created all-terrain wheelchairs for the disabled, and a Procter & Gamble exec who developed a water purifying powder for the third world. Aptera Vehicles founders Steve Ambro and Chris Anthony made the cut for their 300mpg Typ-1e, which is expected to hit showrooms by the end of this year. Other winners ranged from the Mars Phoenix Lander team, to the developers of a low-cost cancer test, to the creators of Spore.”

Political Viewpoints Linked To Fear

Posted in entertainment, health, health defects, politics, science by Fated Blue on September 20, 2008



“Researchers writing in Science report that the political orientation of test subjects who have strong views is linked to how easy they are to startle. They found that subjects who were more fearful were more likely to have right wing views, such as being in favor of capital punishment and higher defense budgets. The researchers suggest that this psychological difference is why it is so difficult to change people’s minds in political arguments.”

Revamped WebKit JavaScript Engine Doubles In Speed

Posted in internet news, technology by Fated Blue on September 20, 2008



“In a post on their official blog, WebKit developers introduced the ‘next generation’ of their JavaScript engine, SquirrelFish Extreme, claimed to be twice as fast as its predecessor. The post lists several changes contributing to the performance improvements, including ‘bytecode optimization,’ a ‘polymorphic inline cache’ (which sounds similar to V8’s ‘hidden class transitions’), and a ‘context threaded JIT’ compiler which generates native code (currently only for x86 processors), and is also applied to regular expressions. The new JavaScript engine is already available in the latest WebKit nightly builds. According to comparative benchmarks, the new engine is around 35% faster than the V8 engine recently introduced in Google Chrome, and55% faster than Mozilla’s TraceMonkey.”

Peter Moore Talks About His Experiences In the Gaming Industry

Posted in entertainment, internet news, technology by Fated Blue on September 20, 2008



Over the past several days, the Guardian has posted a five-part interview with Peter Moore, head of EA Sports. Moore was also the president of Sega, and a vice-president at Microsoft, so his experience at the top levels of the gaming industry is extensive. He describes how he came to be employed by Sega, the development of the Dreamcast, and its subsequent flop when confronted with the Playstation 2. He also discusses his involvement with the development of the Xbox franchise, how the integrated hard drive “killed” the original model, and he gives his account of how the Red Ring of Death fiasco affected the company. The series ends with a look at EA Sports’ plans for the future, and how they’re trying to create a new business model beyond the micro-payments popularized by iTunes, which Moore calls “a rip-off.”

Second Snag This Week Could Delay LHC for Weeks

Posted in internet news, Random, science, security, technology by Fated Blue on September 20, 2008


“After a transformer failure earlier this week, the Large Hadron Collider has hit another snag — and this one is much more serious. As Science reports, ‘At least one of the LHC’s more than 1700 superconducting magnets failed, springing a leak and spewing helium gas into the subterranean tunnel that houses the collider … How long [repairs take] will depend in part on how much of the LHC must be warmed to room temperature for servicing. If it’s only a short section, the repair could be relatively quick. But the machine is built in octants, and if workers have to heat and cool an entire octant, then the cooling alone would take several weeks.”Reader Simmeh contributes coverage from the BBC. We recently discussed the transformer malfunction at the LHC, which was a smaller problem and has already been fixed. Update – 9/20 at 12:52 by SS: CNN reports that the LHC will be out of commission for two months.

US Army To Develop “Thought Helmets”

Posted in internet news, science, technology by Fated Blue on September 20, 2008


“Time Magazine reports on a $4 million US Army contract to begin developing ‘thought helmets’ to harness silent brain waves for secure communication among troops that the Army hopes will ‘lead to direct mental control of military systems by thought alone.’ The Army’s initial goal is to capture brain waves with software that translates the waves into audible radio messages for other troops in the field. ‘It’d be radio without a microphone,’ says Dr. Elmar Schmeisser, the Army neuroscientist overseeing the program. ‘Because soldiers are already trained to talk in clean, clear and formulaic ways, it would be a very small step to have them think that way.’ The key challenge will be to develop software able to pinpoint speech-related brain waves and pick them up with a 128-sensor array that ultimately will be buried inside a helmet. Scientists deny charges that they’re messing with soldiers’ minds. ‘A lot of people interpret wires coming out of the head as some sort of mind reading,’ says Dr. Mike D’Zmura. ‘But there’s no way you can get there from here.’ One potential civilian spin-off: a Bluetooth Helmet so people nearby can’t hear you when you talk on your cell phone.”