The 9th Soul

Sony’s E3 Conference Finally Comes Out with FF7 Remake And The Last Guardian

Posted in entertainment, internet news by Fated Blue on June 16, 2015

The best news in gaming today came from Sony. Hands down I saw two games players were waiting to be made for years.

The first one is our beloved Final Fantasy 7. Check out the video below:

I only played this game once but I played it to 100% completion. I ended up producing more than enough materia to beat even EMERALD WEAPON almost effortlessly.

Another exciting game is one of many fans most awaited sequel to the Shadow of the Colossus game, The Last Guardian!

My brother and I would often find ourselves replaying the same game over and over again simply because of the thrill it brings us when we fight big ass giants!

I’m right now considering buying a PS4 despite my promise not to buy another console for a game.

Safe to say, I already am excited for the PS4 and I swear if Square would go back to its Playstation One roots, remaking their old best sellers, I’m seeing a bright future ahead of the RPG world.